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Genuine Biotech and Fosun Pharma Jointly Donated 5000 Bottles of Azvudine to the Government of Tibet Autonomous Region


On Aug. 19, 5000 bottles of Azvudine tablets donated by Genuine Biotech and Fosun Pharma arrived in Lhasa. This batch of drugs was received by the Health Commission of Tibet Autonomous Region and distributed to designated hospitals on the same day to meet the needs of first-line pandemic prevention and control.

Representatives from the Tibet Autonomous Region People's Government Office in Beijing and relevant persons in charge from Genuine Biotech and Fosun Foundation attended the donation ceremony of Azvudine tablets, an oral drug for COVID-19, in Beijing.

On Jul. 25, 2022, the NMPA granted contingent conditional approval of Genuine Biotech’s Azvudine tablets for indication expansion to the treatment of COVID-19 in adult patients with common coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). On Aug. 9, the General Office of the National Health Commission and the Office of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine issued a notice stating that, according to the comments from the NMPA for the conditional approval of Azvudine tablets for indication expansion to the treatment of COVID-19, the drug was included in the "Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for COVID-19 (Version 9)" after research to further improve the antiviral treatment protocol for COVID-19. According to the "Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines", Azvudine tablets are used for the treatment of adult patients with common COVID-19. Dosage and administration are as follows: Swallow the whole tablet on an empty stomach, 5 mg each time, once a day, for a maximum treatment course of 14 days. All drugs included in the "Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for COVID-19" can be temporarily included in the scope of medical insurance payment in accordance with the relevant provisions of the basic medical insurance, so as to better guarantee the diagnosis and treatment needs. The medical insurance fund can pay for the use of Azvudine tablets by insured patients according to the regulations.