Company News

Genuine Biotech Ranked Among 2020 Top 100 Innovative Biopharmaceutical Enterprises in China


On Sep. 6, MENET released the "2020 Top 100 Innovation List Series for Biopharmaceutical Enterprises in China", and Genuine Biotech was ranked among the Top 100 List Series: "Top 30 Innovative Small-Molecule Pharmaceutical Enterprises in China" with its solid scientific research capacity.

As reported, this list is the result of an evaluation which examines the ability to implement biomedical innovation, taking the "Evaluation Indicator System of Enterprise Innovation Capability" of the Ministry of Science and Technology as the theoretical basis, and considering the characteristics of China's biomedical industry. The evaluation system of innovation capability of Chinese biopharmaceutical enterprises is composed of four dimensions, including "innovation input", "innovation achievements", "intellectual property", and "driving force of innovation", as well as 11 indicators. A comprehensive evaluation of innovative drug companies was conducted based on the annual reports of enterprises, CDE review data, third-party patent statistics agencies, MENET database and other statistics of public data, as well as the results of visiting and investigating innovative drug companies.

Under the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Genuine Biotech bucked the trend and accelerated its R&D and innovation. The company submitted a marketing application for Azvudine, an independently developed new Class 1 anti-HIV drug, which was approved for marketing this July. Azvudine is a novel inhibitor of nucleoside reverse transcriptase and accessory protein Vif, and also the first dual-target anti-HIV innovative drug in the world. It has received funding from the National Science and Technology Major Projects for "Major New Drug Innovation".

After the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak, Genuine Biotech launched another study on Azvudine for the treatment of COVID-19, and phase III clinical trials of this study are currently being accelerated in China, Brazil, and Russia. In addition, a new Class 1 drug for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, dosimertinib, has been approved for clinical research in China. A number of new Class 1 drugs in areas such as next-generation cardiovascular and cerebrovascular therapeutics and long-acting HIV therapeutics are currently undergoing preclinical research.

Looking ahead, Genuine Biotech will continue to focus on pharmaceutical innovation and gradually establish the company as a world leader in the development of antiviral and antineoplastic agents. We will provide better treatment options for unmet clinical needs and further contribute to human health! We will also strive to become an internationally competitive Chinese biopharmaceutical company.