Company News

Good News | Genuine Biotech Received Two Annual Awards from Securities Times


The "2021 Annual Selection of Pharmaceutical Innovation and Salvation Awards" held by Securities Times was officially announced on Apr. 20, and Henan Genuine Biotech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Genuine Biotech") received two awards. Azvudine was awarded the "Pharmaceutical Innovation Achievement Award of the Year", and its R&D team was awarded the "Top 10 Pharmaceutical Innovation Research Teams of the Year".

Nearly one hundred pharmaceutical and biotech companies participated in the award, which aroused wide concerns from industry professionals and academics. During the selection, members of the expert selection committee held dedicated seminars to conduct a scientific, fair, and unbiased evaluation. Based on materials including the "People's Finance—Innovative Drug Index" database and drug evaluations, the committee selected outstanding pharmaceutical innovation projects, outstanding companies, excellent individuals, etc., to promote the development of innovative pharmaceutical industry in China.

Since its inception in 2012, Genuine Biotech has insisted on innovation-driven development in today's rapidly-evolving technological and product landscape. The company's independently developed blockbuster product, Azvudine, was approved for marketing in Jul. 2021, filling a nearly 20-year void in China's backbone drug of nucleoside-based agents. As the world's first dual-target inhibitor targeting HIV reverse transcriptase and accessory protein Vif, Azvudine has received funding from the National Science and Technology Major Projects for "Major New Drug Innovation" and was awarded the Golden Medal of China Patent Award. Remarkably, the successful development of azvudine cannot be achieved without the dedication of its inventor, Professor Chang Junbiao.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the scientific research team led by Professor Chang Junbiao, Academician Jiang Jiandong, and Dr. Du Jinfa has been at the forefront of the scientific and technological battle against the pandemic. From Feb. to Apr. 2022, Academician Jiang Jiandong highlighted the development and progress of Azvudine in the treatment of COVID-19 during three presentations, separately at the "China Pharmaceutical Career Development Conference", "Learning from Systems Theory as Ideology and Exploring the Path to New Drugs in China", and "China Medical Development Conference". In the report, Academician Jiang stated that "Azvudine is very effective in treating both mild and severe cases of COVID-19." Based on preliminary clinical trials, Azvudine showed significant anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity and demonstrated good therapeutic efficacy in patients, significantly reducing the negative conversion time, treatment time, and length of hospitalization. At present, Genuine Biotech is making every effort to expedite the marketing progress of Azvudine as soon as possible for the treatment of COVID-19 to benefit patients.

The successful approval of Azvudine for HIV and triumphant progress in studies for COVID-19 are closely tied to the company's exceptional team of scientists. Dr. Du Jinfa, the company's Chief Operating Officer and Chief Scientific Officer, devoted more than 30 years to the design and development of innovative drugs. He has invented and led the development of sofosbuvir, a revolutionary drug for treating hepatitis C, making a significant contribution in the complete cure of this global infectious disease. Cell commented that sofosbuvir's treatment of hepatitis C is one of the most significant achievements in public health in our generation. In 2014, sofosbuvir was awarded the Prix Galien Award, which is known as the "Nobel Prize in Medicine" in the industry. Dr. Du's decades of experience in antiviral drug research laid the foundation for the research of Azvudine against SARS-CoV-2. Under the leadership of Dr. Du, Genuine Biotech has assembled an exceptional R&D team comprised of returnee PhDs from world-renowned pharmaceutical companies who have been engaged in new drug R&D for more than 10–20 years with outstanding achievements in their respective research fields.

Receiving both awards is not only a recognition of Genuine Biotech's past accomplishments, but also an incentive for future development. Genuine Biotech will continue to pursue its mission of "providing new and better therapeutic options for patients", adhering to its business philosophy of "pragmatism, innovation, pioneering, and commitment", driven by innovation, sticking to truthfulness and pragmatism, continuously enhancing its competitive advantages, and making unrelenting efforts to become a globally competitive biopharmaceutical company.